The rise of the internet has caused significant shifts in the traditional marketing landscape, but despite the incremental growth in online advertising, out of home continues to be a key pillar of marketing strategies for brands around the globe.

Out of home delivers on the big brand awareness goal in a way that many other advertising mediums no longer can – with the opportunity of getting your message in front of thousands of people on a daily basis – wherever and whenever. Consumers are increasingly mobile, meaning that the potential for reach is greater than ever before.

Once fully static, out of home advertising was once as simple as a poster on the side of a bus stop, a billboard on a building or a 6-sheet outside a supermarket. But, leveraging digital technology to remain relevant, OOH has now evolved into full motion creative advertising which reaches and engages with audiences like never before. A testament to the success of out of home marketing, digitally native tech giants such as Apple, Amazon and Spotify continue to increase their OOH spending around the world year-on-year. {source}

Unlike online, print or TV advertising, digital out of home is less interruptive – if the creative is good enough, consumers are willing and prepared to give it their attention. We all know that our attention span is rapidly declining, so creativity, engagement and customer experience should always be at the forefront when creating OOH advertising. Think about the success of Spotify’s global OOH campaigns which they produce year after year – their clever creative connects with a millennial audience in a way that is memorable, relatable and provocative.

The power of OOH advertising is transforming – beyond its broadcasting power is the ability of being able to tailor and target a message to the right audience at the right time. It’s no longer a case of plastering one message or creative across the whole country and hoping it sells your products. Now, we have the ability to sync DOOH advertising with mobile and location data to truly personalise content to different demographic and geographic groups. Furthermore, digital out of home can work in harmony with social platforms, delivering consistent and memorable storytelling to audiences; irrespective of channel.

Similarly, out of home advertising is becoming increasingly interactive, with the opportunity for consumers to participate in a story, receive product samples or even make donations to charity. It’s important to consider that by manufacturing interactions with a customer, we have the ability to further hold their attention and develop an entirely different kind of relationship.

There is also a huge opportunity for brands when it comes to using Augmented Reality, where digital experiences meet the physical world. AR provides another layer of information and experience, enabling brands to tell stories in a new and exciting way. On a large scale, AR executions can immerse an audience when they least expect it, and encourage crowds to gather and take part. This results in positive brand associations and an increase in brand awareness, with increased opportunities for consumers to share online and with friends to broaden reach. On a smaller scale, digital out of home can be used alongside augmented reality apps to create interesting brand experiences on mobile that can continue long after the customer has gone home.

As DOOH technology evolves, brands continue to invest in producing creative and thought-provoking campaigns and the momentum shows no signs of slowing down. At Anopia Creative we continue to push the boundaries of digital out of home marketing, producing creative that amplifies your message and enriches your relationship with customers.