With the world in chaos and us brits remaining calm, we’ve seen a solid rise in the demand for video from our clients. Whilst we often work on video projects for both online and out of home, the landscape is shifting and brands are looking for new and innovative ways to connect with their audiences across all platforms.

As predicted, video consumption has boomed since the coronavirus outbreak in the UK, as consumers want to stay informed and kill time whilst at home. Customers are expecting to see more frequent content from the brands they love across all platforms, but keeping their attention requires an entirely new approach as more posts dilute our news feeds on a daily basis. More people than ever are looking for opportunities to use this time productively, demanding informative and educational content from their favourite brands. So, in order to succeed and stand out, businesses must make themselves useful; providing content that educates, inspires and provides real and lasting value.

It’s also important to remember that your customers want to know what your organisation is doing to be responsible during this time and also what the operational impact will be, so make sure you’re being proactive and letting them know what they can expect from you. Video provides a great mechanic to do so, putting a friendly face to your name.

As consumers now have longer to browse and less money to spend, it’s easy to make the focus your efforts on sales and conversion in order to increase your profits. However, with business slowing globally, now is a great time to build on your own brand identity, initiating an authentic dialogue with your audience so that in the future your brand is front of mind when they’re ready to purchase. As well as this, ensure you are testing, experimenting and measuring your successes, in order to guarantee long-lasting results.

Similarly, with more time to browse, now is the time to invest in digital advertising if you have the budget. With web traffic at an all time high but competition for online real estate low, the cost for ads on channels such as Youtube has reduced, making it a perfect time to reach your target audience digitally. However, customer experience is as important as ever and it’s key that if you’re using video to drive traffic to your website or landing page, it’s optimised to turn passing visitors into paying customers.

In addition to this, with events being cancelled globally, video content and live streaming offer the ideal opportunity to connect with potential clients, showcase your offering and create ongoing conversation. Content can be repurposed and re-used indefinitely as part of your online marketing strategy, giving you real value for money.

We have experience producing video content for all platforms, whether you want to reach customers in store or whilst they’re at home scrolling. Our team are experts in creating channel-specific video content that is both engaging and valuable for your audience, so you can be sure you’ll get the results you want.